BoD Meeting

Date: 3/10/2009

Time: 7:28 PM – 9:38 PM

Place: Nazareth Church

Meeting called by: BoD Type of meeting: Meeting of the Directors
Facilitator: Chad Keller Note taker: Patrick Hedgepath
Timekeeper: Patrick Hedgepath Attendees:BoD, Homeowners, William Douglas Rep.


Agenda item: Meeting called to order
Presenter: Chad Keller
Motion made by:  
Motion second by:  
Action items:
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    Agenda item: Review of the minutes
    Presenter: Patrick Hedgepath
    Discussion: The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. 6 proxy votes were brought to the board.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
    Conclusions: Meeting minutes were approved by a show of hands.
    Action items:
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    Agenda item: New board members
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: Chad presented the two new board members.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Point of order
    Presenter: Lindsey Sturkie

    Point of order that people needed to mention their name.


    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Open Discussion
    Discussion: A homeowner wanted to know if it was legal to appoint new members. Mr. Acuff mentioned he was going to volunteered for the open position. Allie mentioned Mr. Acuff could volunteer to be on the board at anytime including right now. Members of the board also agreed that they would take more board members. Mr. Hedgepath pointed out that Mr. Acuff did not complete his last term because he resigned. Michelle Herman mentioned people needed to support the board instead of nitpicking. Jim Poindexter followed up on Mrs. Hermans statement and agreed with her. Mr. Acuff made the statement that it's not nitpicking and that the HoA a business and it should be run like a business. Mr. Acuff refers to the non-profit act.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Budget Report
    Presenter: Randall Mungo

    Randall gave the budget proposal line by line. He discussed each section and how and why it was budgeted the way that it was. Then took questions from the floor. $22,597.47 was the balance as of 2/27/09 Mrs. Fortin asked about the landscaping and Randall explained. Joe Alexander asked about the reserve transfer and how the $10,000 would account as income. Mr. Alexander mentioned the presentation of the budget was late. Jim Poindexter asked how many homeowners were actually paying their dues. Randall mentioned only 2.6% had not paid. Mr. Acuff asked if we showed he police patrol .Crystal Tiers asked about cutting down on community events. Residents spoke back and forth to each other.Pam Hoffman asked about having a vote again on the vacant lot and the well and sprinklers. Scott mentioned the property improvement and that the well is not $7000.00. Jeanette Manette made a motion to table the budget. Steve Acuff seconded the motion. Motions passes.

    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: Old Business
    Presenter: Chad Keller

    New street light placement at the back of the neighborhood was discussed. Chad talked about his call with SCE&G and what they said about adding additional lighting. SCE&G mentioned we could add new lights. Chad asked for volunteers to put a street light in their yard. Brian Comely mentioned he lived in that section and he has a light in his yard. He said it skips several houses before there is another light. He mentioned a neighbor would not mind having a light. He mentioned several thefts near his homes and some egging of vehicles. Mr. Alexander asked what did SCE&G say as far as cost. Chad talked about the pricing for the lights and he did not have exact figures at the time. Motion lights were mentioned. Matt Bullard mentioned asked if there was a minimum amount. Connie Parson asked if somebody would like to head a committee that would investigate. Brian Comely and Jim Poindexter volunteered to do some research on this matter. A homeowner mentioned starting with the SCE&G survey.


    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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  • Person responsible:  
    Agenda item: New Business
    Presenter: Chad Keller

    Neighborhood crime was mentioned. The egging was mentioned again and Connie Parson mentioned a break in attempt. Connie Parson mentioned forming a crime watch committed again. Michelle mentioned her propane out of her large tank was missing. A police officer mentioned that the crime was wide spread and it was not just our neighborhood. A homeowner mentioned some of the homeowners getting together to patrol on Fridays. The police officer mentioned the thefts even occur when a police officer car is parked in the yard. Jim Poindexter mentioned a neighborhood watch committee. Chad asked for volunteers for the committees. A homeowner mentioned graffiti on a fence. Mrs. Fortin mentioned she added to the table some print outs about car alarm systems. A homeowner mentioned locking your car at night. Lisa Delzotti mentioned her car was also broken into and mentioned the crime should be mentioned in the newsletter. Chad mentioned he could add it to the newsletter. A homeowner mentioned they lived at the front of the neighborhood and their home had been broken into. Chad again asked for crime watch volunteers. A homeowner asked how to sign up for the e-news. Chad explained how.

    Management company.

    Chad listed the reasons the board had been looking into hiring a management company.
    Lack of volunteers.
    Neighbor vs Neighbor conflict.
    The board would like to see us all working together.
    Past boards having issues with day to day issues. Current board has the same issue.
    Chad mentioned we would still have board members and they would still oversee the management company.

    Mr. Acuff asked if Mr. Outlaw could present why his company would be useful. Mr. Outlaw gave a brief presentation on what his company and how it would be a benefit. Jim Poindexter asked how long they had been in business and how many neighborhoods they control. Headquarters are in Charlotte. Mr. Coggins asked how many times the management company would come through the neighborhood. Mr. Alexander asked if the company was bonded. Mr. Coggins asked about the turn around time. Mr. Acuff asked if board members would still be needed if the management company was in place. Questioned about the ARC and how it would function would. Mr. Acuff asked about finances. He asked who the dues go to. Mr. Outlaw mentioned that it goes to a lockbox. Mr. Acuff mentioned we would pay the management company. Brian Comely mentioned his past experiences with management companies. Brian talked about how a management company would relieve a lot of the stress and day to day operations. Jim Poindexter asked if the company could also provide arbitration between the board and the homeowners. A homeowner asked what the contract terms. 30 days was the terms. A homeowner mentioned the raise in dues. Mr. Coggins mentioned about his terrible neighbors. Mr. Coggins mentioned the the current situation is not working and a management company sounds like the answer. Brian Comely asked if the management company held an attorney on retainer. The management company said no but they have several attorneys. A homeowner asked if the management company would take care of problems like this. Jim Poindexter mentioned that the HoA doesn't really have teeth in terms of what they can do. Mr. Outlaw mentioned the procedures. A homeowner asked how many other management companies did the board interview. Chad mentioned we called 5 management companies. 2 returned our calls and we interviewed them. The references were board members from the other HoA's. Jekel Smith asked what the volume of things the board deals with. Mr. Hedgepath mentioned at least 5 hours per week. Chad Keller mentioned he spent many hours per week. Michelle who is an accountant mentioned we would be paying $150 an hour for an accountant to write checks. Pam Hoffman mentioned she did not get a call back when she volunteered for the Halloween committee. Mrs. Fortin mentioned if there were any hazards in a persons yard they could call the county and they would investigate. Mr. Coggins mentioned that the HoA exists to protect the homeowners. The police mentioned who to call for the hazard violations. Mr. Acuff mentioned that the meeting was not conducted properly and asked how the management company. Pam Hoffman makes makes a motion to vote on the management company. Michael Coggins seconded. 26 yes's 19 no's

    Pam Hoffman made a motion to suspend the vacant lot improvements Mr. Coggins seconded. Lindsey Sturkie talked about the board and how the well decision came to fruition. A homeowner mentioned having the well. A homeowner talked about cutting the yards. Mr. Coggins spoke about his background. He talked about the budget and collecting dues. Mr. Sturkie mentioned voting one way and then voting another way 6 months later. Majority was in favor of postponing the common lot development.

    Mrs. Fortin mentioned printing name and address in the newsletter.

    Matt Bullard commended the board and talked about free time and the time the board has invested. He volunteered for crime watch committee.

    Gordon Oslwad talked about a house across the street and how it was being rented out. Next to 420 and across from 417.

    Connie Parsons thanked the homeowners for coming out and voting. Chad also thanked the home owners.

    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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    Agenda item: Meeting Adjourned
    Presenter: Chad Keller
    Discussion: The meeting was adjourned.
    Motion made by:  
    Motion second by:  
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